Friday, August 04, 2006


This post is a response to some answers I recieved from the previous post If you do not believe in God, what do you believe?

I believe what is right is what a person does and says that leaves others feeling peaceful and joyous on the inside, and that what is wrong hurts the physical and inner selves.

The problem I found is that everyone feels differently. Thus, what is wrong for one, is not wrong for another. So you may say it feels right for everyone to have peace, and someone else can just as easily say it feels right for everyone to suffer. Ironically, they would still be within the moral framework, because their desire is based on feeling. Furthermore, since it would make them feel bad if you tell them that they are"wrong" in what they are doing, it becomes self-defeating to even tell them that. The logical outworking of this belief leads to a recognition that everyone is "right" in whatever they feel, nothing is actually wrong, and it is solely the government that prevents certain expressions of feeling.

I beleive in truth. One doesn't have to beleive in a god/gods to live honestly and ethically.

Okay, if we assume no God/gods, several questions have to be addressed before we can even arrive at lifestyle. From where does the concept of truth even come, then? Who says anything is bad, evil, etc.? If there is no Higher Being who purposed Good, then there is also no Bad (for this is defined by the deviation from Good).

Why do we even speak in terms such as living "honestly" and "ethically"?

Ultimately, it does not even matter if there is no God. If we are seeking a moral center, can we logically find it in ourselves? Why are we even seeking a moral center? There is something greater than ourselves... the real question is what or who is it?

If you do not believe in God, why do you even want to live honestly and ethically?

No, I do not always subscribe solely to what I comprehensively understand. I don't always understand love, patience, tolerance...yet I strive to master these qualities.

How do you master these qualities? What "striving" do you do?

Since we know there are many things in life that we do not understand, why is it so outlandish to recognize God's existance, even though you do not fully understand Him?

Historical documents on what I believe are everywhere. Anything human-related is my "bible". Mankind's history is so very important to learn from, as one can usually spot mistakes and unethical choices in hindsight. We cannot right the wrongs that have been done, so looking forward and making plans for bettering ourselves is even more important.

What is the point of bettering ourselves? I personally believe this concept is impossible, because our problem is not our actions, but our desires. God changes our hearts through belief in Christ; he changes not what we do, but what we want to do. But, without him, is there really a purpose? Are not our lives just our own attempts to survive and succeed in whatever ways we can, using whatever means necessary?


Cori said...

I like what you've written here. It's a question I sruggle with myself. I would say that Ghandi was probably the most Christ-like person to walk the earth ... Yet he never said the sinners prayer, never called on the name of Jesus... He spoke of truth, of love, of self sacrifice ... How does one make sense of that?

Tichius said...

Thank you Cori, I agree with you about Ghandi... I know many loving people who are atheist, in fact.

Ghandi even came close to recognizing the uniqueness of Christ... but, unfortunately, the christian (particularly,the American Christian) deterred him from this conclusion.

I cannot explain it, except to say that, while man looks at the outward appearance, God looks at the heart.